I thought that too, but haven't read too much about the regular Performer (from users, anyway) everyone bolts right to the "buy the Performer RPM" mantra....and fiddle with hood clearance and linkage for 2 days. No thanks. If you check the Edelbrock site, the "power graph" they give you with the regular Performer states it is WITH the Performer PLUS cam kit...sorry, but if I'm going to go INTO the engine, I'm going to go a whole lot further than a Performer Plus cam ONLY.

Yeah, I really WANT to like Thermoquads, but I just never had one that worked as well as this AVS. Plus, mine has got the goofy bowl venturi vacuum port, and the "extra" vacuum port on the front. Call me anal, but I absolutely _HATE_ when I have extra ports I have to plug with caps.