
Did you work for Fram in Providence, Rhode Island.
I was under the impression that the filters were manufactured there for some time and at the sister company in Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
I know for a fact the Stratford facility manufactured the oval filters in the 60's.
Therefore there must have been two sets of tooling, one in Canada, one in the US.
Would that offer any accounting for the flared and non flared or did they wear at the same rate depending on production.

Yes, I was born and raised in RI and that is where I started working with FRAM. Moved to Ohio in the 90's when the Engineering Department was moved to Perrysburg OH.

The prototype and the original production of the Six Pack Filter began in Providence, I built the prototype myself. Eventually the parts came from any one of 4 different plants in the US and Canada. This part was a low production piece, most of the time it was manufactured in East Providence RI or Ontario, But it depended on where the inventory was needed and production line availablity. It was made in Stratford Ontario Canada, Greenville Ohio, or Clearfield UT as well as the Providence location (actually East Providence). So there was tooling in each location. The tooling was not changed all at once in the beginning, but eventually it was all changed to the dimple screen to avoid the burr issue. This fact is the reason there are parts with either/or for a period of time depending on whether the run was made "online" or in an "off-line" batch, and which plant produced the batch.

Hope that answers the question, I need to load up on more coffee to fully wake up so I may tweak the answer once Im fully alert


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