Thanks for the input. I've had some brake issues that I thought may be booster related. The petal sinks about an inch when I start it and doesn't retract like it shoud. I'm gonna start from scratch and try again. On another note, the cam I took out was a isky .400/.400. Pretty much stock accept the j heads with 2.02 valves. Casting 915. I went with the whiplash, headers and an airgap. Got rid of all the ac crap thats been squealing like a stuck pig. I'm hoping that it really wakes it up. Oh and I'm rebuilding my 727 also with a slightly higher than stock tc. Not gonna go to the track or anything. Just wanna spin the tires if I want. Is anyone running something similar? If so are you happy with it? Oh it's a 318. I know go 360 but this is what I have scrapping pennies to build it.