
Can't or won't?

If they already make a pad for that app exactly how much more engineering and rocket science is involved in making one out of a compound they already have and bonding it to a core?? If the real reason is 12 sets won't pay to start the machinery then spit out a number that will.

Just another in a long line of companies that only want to sell parts they want to sell, not parts people want to buy.


If people wanted to buy those parts they could sell more than 12 of them.

Just because you want something doesn't mean someone else wants to pay for it. Now, I bet if you called them up and said "I want 1000 sets, paid for up front" the would fire up the machinery. Then you could figure out how to sell them.

Ever reline brakes? I have.

Why not reline your own?

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.