
Mark, will the bracket races be split up between box and no box or run together? Also, will it be true footbrake or no box? Is Open Comp a seperate class from the brackets? If so, are they a box class?

Hey Brian. No box cars will run no box and box will run box until there's no other option than to start running them against each other. It will be no box, not true footbrake. As this is the first event, if we have enough support, then next year we can separate the cars further. Also, again since it is our first such event, we are open to suggestions. If you're bringing a bunch of buddies with you, let us know what you would like to see and we can possibly make some adjustments if there are enough cars to justify it. Also, Open Comp = Brackets... just called it by a different name. They are one and the same.

We want this to become an annual event, so obviously the more popular it is, the more room we have to adjust here and there until we get it solid and make the "majority" happy (lol, we know we can't make EVERYONE happy).