


Have you had any trouble running alcohol with an aluminum cell?

With a vent on the tank/cell the alky/E-85 WILL
suck up moisture and moisture is what corrodes the
if you keep the air away the alky/E-85 wont do anything

Well yes and no, the moisture and alcohol combine to form an acid that corrodes the alum. Keeping them separate is the solution, but very difficult.

I think this best describes the reaction.


I have 4 test samples still running(2 with E-85 and
2 with alky) 1 of each is air tight in alum the 2 others
are in a vented alum... the air tight shows ZERO corrosion
and the vented shows very little above the fuel level
(this has been 4 years now).. thats with topping
off both vented samples