I am helping yet another friend today with his 58 Plymouth "Christine" Replica. When I went to help him out the last time, his damper lost all the paint and there was no groove for a timing reference. I pointed out to him that he needed a kickdown linkage as the guy who put the engine together for him, neglected to install this vital component. We finally got the Bouchillon kit after a month back order...what a PITA to install it...I have done the one on my Charger and I was done in an hour...it took me 4 hours UNDER the car alone.

Anyways, The underside is installed, the top side is installed but it needs a modification still to have the right geometry. The problem here is, the pedal was "designed" by whom I have no idea...that you accelerate by pushing forward. Is this how they did it back in the 50s? He had a holley 800on there and it was puking fuel everywhere so I installed my old 750 which works. I installed the kickdown bracket on the carb from Bouchillon but I installed it to PULL the carb to accelerate....the pedal was on the floor...so I redirected it to the top of the 1481 bracket so it PUSHES the carb open but there is alot of resistance and I KNOW it isn't supposed to operate this way.

What can I do to help this guy out...He is the owner of this car club but no one wants to touch his car and I am pretty much the only one knowledgeable enough to tackle it. Two pics coming up

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Family owned 1969 Charger R/T DualQuad 440/727/GVO/3.55s