1. Send someone over to inform the driver you will be racing that you are new and need a little more time staging,they will work with you if you tell them in advance!

2. When you go through the burn out box line the car up best as possible with the tire prints going down the track,pull into the beams that way and don't worry about it,you can correct if need be when you leave the starting line.

3.When staging stage as shallow as possible,thats the easiest way to stage the same everytime.With a foot-break car,watch for the 1st amber to come on like if you were using a delay box,when the first amber comes on count 1-2 and go.You can adjust you number count up or down to get your RT where its needed.I don't know about where you race but down here in the South a.020-.030 light is not going to get you any round wins,unless its just a lucky round for you,or should I say unlucky round for the car in the other lane.IF YOU ARE GOING TO RACE,RACE TO WIN!

4. KEEP IT AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE,you have enough to worry about getting the car staged proper and making a good run,remember you are a Racer not a Clown,so there is no need for you to preform any Tricks!

5.When you go to the Track,GO THERE TO WIN!

"To Be The Man'You Have Got To Beat The Man" "T/D and Pro-Bracket Racer"