I am not , but I do spectate from time to time.
The penalties are just too rich for me.
That being said , our old playground was over a mile long with no cross streets and only one way in. Industrial , with a river and rail road tracks , most of the businesses it served were closed on Fri. Sat. nights and it was as safe as you can get without a safety crew standing by. The rare truck delivering there ( grain elevators mostly )got through with out a problem. Then came the speed bumps. And the truck drivers complained that they were beating their suspension to death for no reason. Then the curves and curbs on the straight away to eliminate any chance of side by side racing.
I always thought it was the perfect spot for it and the law knew where everybody was during the hours people went there.
They used to let it go until someone did something stupid or got hurt ( usually both ) , but finally they had enough.
Now the cars run in areas that present way more danger to the general public. But part of that comes with living in a state where anything I might enjoy is either illegal or frowned upon.