but when you see a post about a rude, unforgiving, uncompromising, didnt work as advertised or couldnt get any satisfaction type of company, thats gonna stick with you for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time

Dan.......dosen't matter if we're talking Keisler, Summit. Year One, etc, etc,..........and I'm not making excuses for anyone here,.....but there are people, that no matter what you do for them, are never happy, never satistfied,......even if you've gone out of your way to solve their problem, and overcompensate their, grief, loss, labor, etc, etc,......their just never happy, you'll see it in any facet of life

Then there's another side of the coin,.....thats the one, where you have a "Mr Know-it-all"........who can't see his own short comings, but who knows it all!........so when he purchases a Keisler, or anything else that he's not quite familiar with, or has absolutly no knowledge what-so-ever, but fools himself into thinking nothings over his head, botches the install, can't get it to work properly, has various problems, all steming from his ineptness,.......attempts to contact the manfacturer, then starts a tirade of verbal assults about what a piece of junk he's got, want's his money back, etc, etc.......in which case the mfg. tries to aleviate the malcontents anger, and fustration, and offeres advice, asks questions,.....seeing that it's done over the phone or internet,......mechanical repairs aren't really easy to do!........so what happens, is usaully the results that we see right here, not just in a Keisler tread, but any thread for that matter........

I said it a few times here, when some people are having not just install problems with Keislers, but just about anything,.........a lot of times, if your unfamilar with something, instructions included or not,or past experience with something "simular" ......installation error, or operator error is usally at fault,......let me give you a perfect example,......an individual working with me, (one of those, knows-it-alls) installed a brand new Keisler, or attempted too?, when I got to the shop, he was having a hard time getting it into the bellhousing, I stopped him and questioned his "prep" of the tranny, and being a "know-it-all" said, "I've done this before!".....after argueing about "proper" installation,....."MR.know-it'all" had his way,.....long story short,....He completely sheared off the input shaft in less than 25 miles! .........after towing the vehicle back to the shop, I disasembled the Keisler 5 spd,....all this time, he's ranting what a piece of junk! .......guess what? "MR know-it-all" forgot to install the front bearing retainer BEARING! when he installed the hyd. throw-out assy,....which he was unfamiliar with!.....but he "knows everything".....he's "done this before"......I wanted to diassemble it before it went into the car, but he siad no!.....he knew what he was doing!...........and them he wanted to try and hide the fact, what he had done,....sent the tranny back to Keisler, playing "dum"......hoping they wouldn't notice? .......I told him to "fess up"

The boys at Keisler weren't buying it,.....in the end he fessed up to his ineptness,.......and Keisler, being GRACIOUS, as they ALWAYS ARE!....repaired it for free, charging nothing but shipping,........had I been dealing with this individual, I would have said you own it pal!.....I'll fix it!, but your paying!......So tell me, dose that sound like a company run by "snakes" as some would say?........I've seen and heard of many other instances, where Keisler has gone above and beyond their "duty" to make a customer happy..........

I could also tell you about a couple of other individual's installs, that were the direct result of "IE" or "installation error"....

Like I've said time and time again, I personally never had a Keisler install, my own, or one that I've done for customers, that presented a problem,....like I hear on this forum, I've never incounted any proplem with Keisler's service, before, during, and after a purchase!........believe me, if I had, I be jumping on the pigpile too!.......I don't get paid to use Keisler products, or "endose" them as some have insinuated, I pay for them just like the next guy!......just that when I'm "happy" with a product or service, I'll "endose" it!, and that's one of the problems here,....people are quick to cut down, but not quick to praise,
someone, or a company, or service, etc, etc

OK.....time for me to go back in my box!

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