

Unless V. Gaines is doing his own engines, I only know of one guy doing Mopars, Roy Johnson. The other fast teams rent power from him.

V has his own program. Nickens is also building some engines for McGaHaa(sp) and Hartford. As far as Mike goes. They are a smart bunch. He is a bit up on power but they are also making good clean runs.

Nickens is doing Mat Hartford engines but not Chris MaGaha engines...they bought Jeggie inventory of engines that they had built in their one year engine program.


70 AARCuda Vitamin C
71 Dart Swinger 360 10.318 @ 128.22(10-04-14 Bakersfield)
71 Demon 360 10.666 @122.41 (01-29-17 @ Las Vegas)
71 Duster 408 (10.29 @ 127.86 3/16/19 Las Vegas)