Pay very close attention to your crossover tubes. They are common for the tips getting mushroomed and not seating into the injector properly. When you put the injectors in you should seat the crossover tubes in the injector and put the nut that holds them in finger tight to line everything up before tightening down the injector.

Don't get carried away with the tiny nuts that hold the wiring to the coil packs on the injectors. They are very fragile, and one "oops" will cost you another injector. You'll need a small pry bar to pop them out of the head once the crossover tubes are out. Place it between the injector hold down and the cylinder head and they should pop right up. It does take some effort, but nothing major. Make sure all the copper washers that are on the tips come out with the old injectors and new ones go in with the new injectors. You'll have to remove all the exhaust rocker arms to get to one of the bolts on each injector. It would probably be a good idea to run your overhead while you have it opened up if it hasn't been done recently. This isn't a complicated job at all. Pay close attention to how you take it apart and it will fall back together.

Last but not least, don't waste your money on cheap injectors. It will cost you more in the long run. Find a reputable Bosch dealer to purchase them from. They run about $330 a piece. Stay as far away as you can from Pensacola Diesel, no matter how enticing their prices are. Their stuff is absolute junk.