Not going to happen, sorry.

I went to the AZ Nationals as a spectator this year and sat on the spectator side. What I learned regarding Sportsman racing:

1) Top Sportsman and Top Dragster are the most popular. More so than Pro Stock. In fact after the Fuel cars, when P/S came out, fans scattered Pee, food and more beer was better than watching P/S.

2) Stockers are boring unless they do big wheelies.

3) Super Stockers are boring unless they do big wheelies or an 8 second car chases down a 11 second car.'re an "underdog". A V6 Fireturd won SS and the crowd was into that.

3A) The crowd doesn't get the handicap deal or why/how, but they CAN see after a significant handicap, the finish line is close

4) Super Gas and Super Comp actually get quite a few negative comments from the crowd. Throttle stops look STUPID from the stands and worse yet on TV.

Bottom line is that on TV it all looks slow unless it's a 300 mph fuel car. P/S looks slow on TV, so the typical TV motorsports fan will no way, sit through NHRA/IHRA sportsman on TV.