Good ole UP ..... Unlimited Products ..... FORTY THOUSAND square foot building .... they HAVE to be selling some product ....

All of our products feature hand-laid fiberglass construction, using premium grade materials. This is far superior to cheaper chopper gun-made items in terms of strength, durability and weight. They are a smart alternative to steel body parts as they’re lighter, won’t rust or ding, and are easy to prep and finish.

So THEY SAY .... but how about using PREMIUM GRADE workmanship? ... that is THEIR problem. And a chopper-gun product is NOT cheaper to do at all ! The chopper-gun-part has ..... LESS STRENGTH ? ... hogwash. If you get a good operator ...he/she can distribute more or less material in the places that need it ...or don't. DURABILITY ? .... fiddlesticks. Their product is FAMOUS for falling apart ... it all comes down to ... the CONCERN FOR A QUALITY PART from the maker of the part. WEIGHT ? ... BS. If their parts were half-azzed well-braced ... their parts would weigh MORE than a quality made part.

The bottom line is this .... making FG body panels is NOT rocket-science ... it just takes some skill and "attention and concern to detail" .... which they have shown over the years that they choose NOT to do.