

So the millions of alternators that are solidly and electrically mounted are doomed? Not saying you're wrong, just saying you're being extreme. I. The typically moparts fashion. Lighten up.

If the OP doesn't want to do add any wiring, fine....if he doesn't care then do it!

No they are not doomed. The problem here is you gave incorrect advice on a designed system that you clearly know nothing about. You should admit the incorrect advice and take a back seat and learn something.

He needs to correctly ground that alternator. If not what that unit gets full fielded it will look for a ground and burn up what ever it can trying to find it. The op even states it was grounded by that stud to the head by a wire. Do it right and he wont have issues.

Please show me where I advised that it does not need to be reliably grounded? Clearly the ground stud is to facilitate isolation.
Again...lighten up. Stay grounded.