


T I would take it with a grain of salt tho


I call BS on the flow figures. Sorry, but dont see it happening...

Am I reading this right? To me this sheet is from a stock set of regular Stealth heads. I have tested 16 Stock out of the box ports and the most that I have found was 267cfm.

....................from OOTB...............to ported

.100"................73 cfm.....................80 cfm
.200"...............152.........................16 3
.300"...............214.........................22 0
.400"...............245.........................26 4
.450"............................................. 285
.500"...............262.........................30 1
.550"............................................. 313
.600"...............276.........................32 9
.650"............................................. 339
.700"...............281.........................34 1
.750"............................................. 343

Yes they are flows from a regular Stealth head.

I have tested many stock Stealth ports and until recently the best they ever flowed OOTB was 268 cfm. The last three sets of heads have come hand blended in the bowls whereas they never have been before. This is what I attribute the OOTB increase in flows to.

On a Stealth port tested last night the flows were.



We have a junk Stealth port that flows 350 cfm @ .700" and 356 cfm @ .750" but gives up 6 cfm average through the 8 lifts.

I bought a pair of Super Stealth heads, just to test, because I had never seen any flow figures for them. Those are my flow test figures on BIGBLOCKDART.COM

Last edited by heyoldguy; 03/03/13 12:16 AM.