Is the car a 4 speed or auto?

To me, the smart thing to do with a car like this is clean up the underside, paint the top to satisfy yourself, use the NOS parts it comes with and enjoy driving the car. Either COMPLETE resto's you are referring to will leave you under water on value verses investment. This way you can drive without worrying about ruining what you have spent a lot of money on and if and when you sell it the next owner can make that decision if it is important to them.

Anyone bent over snooping around under your car is in a perfect position for what they deserve IF they are making derrogatory comments about what it looks like anyway. When and why did we become so obcessed with the underside of the car anyway? Most of us will be much happier and have more money left in our pockets if we get over it and just enjoy our exterior top finish and restored interiors.