

If you want to run fast with a nostalgia style car, think about IHRA's 7.00 Pro. Index racing, no electronics except a tranny brake, shifting by driver control, not rpm or time. Little bit of everything in the class, and some good racers having fun at 180 mph.

NHRA also run PRO 7.0 in the Heritage series....

Yip. And NE1 in Heritage as well. Also, there is a group looking to put together a more restrictive and thus more affordable nostalgia nitro F/C class running I think 6.80 index. Again - that's going to be very pricey and if making money is your goal - I would say pass. But if having fun and making a thunderous run with flames out of the pipes and people cheering you on - then go for it.

Make no mistake, my all time favorite class is nitro F/C - I grew up on it in the hey day at OCIR. The March Meet is my favorite event of the year. And if I had the financial and logistical resources to run a nitro nostalgia F/C I wouldn't hesitate (hint - it would be a Demon and look just like my car below). But, I would be doing it more for the fun knowing it would lose money.

Like was said years ago, "The best way to make a small fortune in drag racing is to start with a large one."