K, with all the tranny questions lately about replacing a 727 with a powerglide (and 727/904 questions in general) when a car gets to a certain point, it got me thinking, why don't guys just put higher gears in the diff and keep the 727, using 1st and 2nd? IE:

Powerglide: 1.76 (low gear) x 4.10 (diff)= 7.216 overall ratio, and a 4.10 overall high gear

727: 2.45 (1st gear) x 2.94 (diff)= 7.203 overall ratio, and 1.45 (2nd) x 2.94 = 4.263 overall ratio

Pretty much bang on, with the added benefit of a 2.94 overall in 3rd if you actually drive your car on the highway.

Is it the added strength of the Powerglide? The better torque convertors you can get for them? It's got to be something because I'm surely not the first guy in the world to think of this