For those that had a the spongy pedal i would surmise that the extra volume added by the hoses was identifying the limit of the master cylinder if you went with a larger bore master the spongyness would go away, again this a guess, and would need to be tested. as with all engineered hydraulic systems it is important to consider the entire system when selecting parts, most racers don't and very few people actually understand hydraulics.

Well your sorta right and wrong... I first had a
larger bore master.... it had a much higher pedal
and firmer BUT it was still spongy... the pedal travel
was way to short so I went with a smaller bore
to get the pedal travel and it did increase the spongy
feeling as well... it works fine but has the spongy
feel that I dont like.... all due to the growth in
the braided line.... it wasnt air in the system either
cause I bled it MANY times trying to get the feeling right..
its still that way but in the spring I will dump
the braided for the steel(my whole system is all braided)
I have the exact same system on my Rampage BUT with
steel line for the most of it other than the normal
points that need the flex(2 front wheels and the axle)
and that system is perfect

Last edited by MR_P_BODY; 01/29/13 12:06 PM.