
A life "Lesson" for me.

My attack plan:


Was Working on a 72 Dart- fix, brakes
replace all front end parts. new tires
Build eng/trans, 3.55sg
remove vinyl top, prep for paint


top didn't look to bad while doing other repairs.
boy, was I wrong..

From now on, If I buy another vinyl top car
I believe that will be my first plan of attack.

Due to the rust, it needs a roof.
I ended up buying another Dart, but that one was to nice to just cut the roof off

so i'm still looking for another roof.

I lost my first Mopar to a master cylinder failure. So my first rebuild will be 'stop'!
I haven't lifted the vinyl top yet. Probably won't for a while. The body looks pretty crappy, but aside from the back window, its not terrible. Most of the serious rust is up high. Back window. Top of the quarter on the right side where they fold over to the trunk channel.
The trunk and drivers floor have small holes, don't know where I am going with that yet. But car is later!