
I had a bad experience with a 22" fan shroud. The fit was absolutely horrible and required so much modification I should have just had one fabricated for the car (66 Charger.)
I emailed them with my complaint and they never bothered to answer me.

Hello 696pack,

We apologize for the inconvenience. It is rare to encounter an issue like you have described. But it is possible your email was lost through some kind of electronic glitch or computer related failure.

Our Money Back Guarantee ensures 100% customer satisfaction. It is our policy to follow up on EVERY inquiry, question, comment, or complaint that comes into our call center or email desk. We employ full-time personnel to monitor every incoming email and route it to the appropriate party for follow-through. We also have a tech department available 5 days a week from Mon-Fri, 8am - 5pm PST with knowledgeable technicians to help customers through any installation or other technical issue.

Please PM me here with details about your purchase or call our toll-free hotline at (800)854-1280 and ask to speak to a manager. We will review our records and do our best to resolve any issue to your complete satisfaction. Thank you.

Ray Yager - Merchandising Director
Classic Industries
18460 Gothard Street
Huntington Beach, Ca 92648
(714) 847-6887