The rear quarter window channel frame attaches to the roof of the car with sheet metal screws, making removal easy. Someone had told me this some time back, but before work started, with my feeble mind I wasn't sure if I'd imagined this or had actually been told. Guess a few memory brain cells are still firing.

The rear window mechanism was actually still free and moved up and down pretty well; a small miracle considering how tough the car looks on the outside.

Looks like we can cut down the 4 dr rear door window channel, which is in good shape, to fit in the rear quarter window opening without much trouble.

He's got the outer quarter panel sheet metal pretty well cut and is measuring to determine the best way to provide drainage from the inner quarter cavity into the existing rocker panel box. After he gets the section off the parts car he's going to hang the 2 dr door and start trial fitting.

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