
...in the porting world, ..you should be paying for a guy with some engineering background in fluid dynamics, .. dyno experience, .. a good porter isn't a guy who grinds out a hole to make it flow a number on the bench, ..

a good cylinder head guy knows how to build a port with the proper cross section, volume, .. flow curve for the application. That same guy should know the little valve job tricks that make HP on the combo, .. should know proper flow coefficients and how to use them, etc.

If a head guy doesn't know things like the discharge coefficient, velocity profiles, mean gas velocities, runner to cylinder volume, etc. he just can't design good ports.

Good cylinder head guys are engineers, ..

Things have sure changed since 'Grumpy' Jenkins used an archaic SF-100 to test his Pro Stock-winning heads in the '70s. Back then even engine builders like him probably weren't too far evolved from the "guy who grinds out a hole to make it flow a number on the bench" description.