
Hello jcc,

Guess I did not realize that torque boxes aren't needed once I put in the subframe connectors.


The role of the torque boxes is to better tie in the subframe structure to the rocker sill. Rockers provide a similar beaming resistance as a subframe connector, but they are not as stout as a dedicated subframe tie. The Mopar Chassis book actually recommends beefing up the sill plate in dedicated track cars.



I'll agree with the XV and US-Tool-Works products as they've done some interesting studies... shown in their videos. I like the SFC that become welded across the floor pan, but with certain club "rules", that type is not allowed (too bad!).

Any reasons that you know of why that is disallowed? It's not that expensive, and our old uni bodies weren't stitched together all that tightly to begin with.

Its disallowed because it provides a significant competitive advantage. Stitch welding seams is similarly disallowed because of the advantage it provides. FWIW, welding up all the seams in a unibody can improve rigidity up to 75% or better.

Here is a really good read about chassis stiffening. While performed on a 1st gen Mustang, the results would be typical for most unitized construction car bodies.