
they also have a replacement snout that is not only thicker but has a larger radius at the bottom of the drive slots, that is how my new one is done, but the newer style with the flats is interesting to me, I believe Ford used that style for years.

This is another one of the best kept secrets that for some reason nobody seems to have caught on to. I know I've personally posted this quite a few times myself. These 904/A500 pump gears with the flats instead of the drive tabs came out in the early 90's.

One of the inherent flaws of the lugs can be partially corrected - by shimming the converter back into the pump, so the tabs on the pump gear go deeper into the slots on the converter pump drive (snout). Most of the drive hubs I saw cracked or broken showed that the lugs were towards the outside end of the slot. While I try to make it so you only pull the converter forward about 1/16" to the flexplate, sometimes at that depth the weld that holds the drive stub on is poor and will tear up the seal.

And as others have said - there are redesigned (tab style) drive stubs and pump gears, but they are more pricey than the stock "flats" style parts.

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Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........