

i totally agree about on track..
but in the pits is a different story..
i had a tow rig swing and nail my car yrs ago.
One could argue that vehicle is insured and it was..and i finally got a check.
i had a guy pitted next to me and his race car was backed into by the race car across the isle..
to me ..thats not a condition of...tough cookies.
thats a condition of negligence ...IMHO.

i agree..in the lanes...all bets are off...ill forfiet my claim..
not in the pits..I dont forfiet my claim...It may be an accident..but if you damage my property expect to pay for your mistakes..
and vice versa

This sounds fair to me. we all know the risk when in the lanes, but in the pits shouldn't be any different than being in a wal-mart parking lot or at a car show.

However, if you told me that the insurance companies tried to back out of coverage because it happened "at the track" and there's a "racing exemption" in the policy, I would not be in the least bit surprised.

I wonder what they would do/say if you drive your car to the track, as a spectator at a national level event and someone backs into your car?

The exclusion from coverage is very specific, because it has to be. Every policy I've ever read excludes coverage during the actual contest, i.e., on the track. In the pits is not "on the track," and therefore, your insurance would cover you, and would cover the damages you caused to someone else's person or property. Of course, you have to have insurance in the first place, so if you have no liability insurance on your car (such as an all-out race car) and you back into someone in the pits, be prepared to write a check.

I've handled claims like this several times in my career. Anything that ever happened on-track was not covered. Anything on the track grounds, but not actually on the track, was covered.

Earning every penny of that moderator paycheck.