
Now, where's my $1,000 consultation fee?

It's in the mail......with the rest of the checks.
I watched a guy who was shaking down his new car , a very nice '66 Nova and probably a low 10 second car , he got out of the groove and into the marbles , stayed in it and wound up outside the guard rail and on the roof.
He was transported with a foam rubber turtle neck and back board , but his injuries weren't life threatening.
He sued the track.
The track owner never told me how it finally shook out , but I got the impression that there was a settlement because the insurance company figured it would be cheaper than litigating the deal to a conclusion.
I was working in staging , but was never asked to testify.
It looked to me like a bad case of whiskey throttle.....not unlike any 6 year old's first ride on a mini bike.
He got in trouble and never made any real effort to get out of it.
Most of us figured he got something , but have no idea how much.
On track insurance isn't cheap , but I am hoping I can afford it when the time comes.
If for no other reason than having them be the ones who lawyer up if there is a problem.