It sounds like you want to stay at top notch tracks, which I agree is the way to go to run a top notch series. Indy, Norwalk and St. Louis all fit that bill, I have raced at all 3, and they are very nice. As far as facilities go, I think that the best remaining are:

1. Z-Max in NC, probably nicest, but may not fit
2. Bristol, very nice place, but kind of unpopulated location
3. US 131, Martin MI, seems like a good fit-besides the east-west
4. Maple Grove, very nice place and not too far east.

However, Pittsburgh is probably the smartest choice. It is a familiar venue for Mopar series racers, and sounds like Bob George wants to be involved.

I would love to see Quaker City be on your schedule. It a nice place and will draw cars. It is within a few hours of probably the majority of the racers that will run points. It shouldn't be too expensive, and the owner is a good guy with an open mind.

Can't wait until next year!

BTW, are you planning on running max wedge and hemi seperate or as a NSS class?

Jeff Day