Got it drug out, and gave her a bath

After a bath:

Lights still work

The "Leaning tower of power" ....LITERALLY. 2 broken motor mounts

Only surface rust in the trunk

Interior is WAY worse than I remember it...Then again, the last time I looked at this car was maybe 2 years ago

Someone replaced the seats with blue seats at one point in her life. Here is the back seat

Thats it for now. I ran out of time to do anything else with her tonight. She is going to have to wait..

I accidentially broke the ignition back, and while trying to fiddle with her, to see if other things worked (blinkers, yes, heater fan, yes) I accidentially cranked her

I wanted to oil the cylinders first. MAYBE if I can tomorrow, I will head over there to oil the cylinders. We tilted the motor enough to access the distributor, so with a battery, and gas, she might run