

Well Mike, just thinking out loud here, You know there was piston to wall scuffs, and there was one bad enough for yu to want to sleeve that hole, could the aluminum have come from there? I know its a long shot, but it could have, also did ya use ARP lube on the bolts? That has made a mess in my pan before, and it didnt take much.

Just poking things around a bit.

The pistons were coated and the coating looked great
so that wasnt it... I'm looking to use my other block
which has the correct bore for the pistons then start
over with it... I'll just transfer the guts into it
but its gonna need to be decked... this engine was a
error on my part to begin with... I should have grabbed
this other block from the start and went with it

Been there dont that,

I effed up on a simple 318 build and didnt get the oil galleys cleaned up good enough after I ball honed the lifter bores, there was more material in there than I thought and the rod/main bearings found it in a hurry.

I was more embarrassed than mad.