
Wouldn't double adjustable shocks negate the need for custom valved shocke? I am thinking of something like the QA1 TD901's and 501's...Tim

Yes, but....

If you are actually racing, there are classes the expressly prohibit externally adjustable units. This means you need to be more particular about shock choices up front. In some instances, companies may offer the identical shock in 5 or 6 different valving combinations in a budget range shock to allow a wider selection. In higher end shocks, you may get a one time custom valving set up as part of the purchase price. These higher end shocks also tend to be rebuildable so it is entirely possible that while the entry price is very high, youmay never need to ever buy shcoks again for that vehicle.

Another potential drawback of double adjustables is that you need to keep meticulous notes of the set up, track conditions, and the shock settings to get them dialed in to such a degree to perform as well as a custom valved unit will right out of the box. This adjustability is great if you race in a variety of venues and conditions where you may need that little extra edge to find that additional .001 of a second to win.

If you are using double adjustables on a street cruiser with a set it and forget it approach, you are bringing a bazooka to a knife fight.