
I think we are kinda saying the same thing here re the emission thing - although a part of it was to cut friction losses. Extended oil changes came about by mostly better oil ( synthetic in particular ).

to a large degree roller cams greatly reduce shear forces on oil...the rings and flat tappit camshaft contribute to most to oil break down..
think of oil like a mass or volume consisting of grapes...thousands of grapes together forming a liquid.sort of like an oil pan full of ball bearings...
the shear effect in a cam wiping across the lobe or rings scraping up and down the cyl walls break open the grapes...however areas like roller bearings and crank and cam bearings dont break the protective coating of the grape...
a grape being a oil molecule...with a outer shell.
once the shell breaks ...the lubrocity goes with it..
thats over simplified but a way to visualise it..
if you dont break the grapes/oil molecule..then it lasts longer...fwiw....but again ive digress from the OPs topic.

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured