What ???? Removing metal doesn't make the stem stronger unless you've found out about some Area51 process that defies logic and.....metal..

The pinion is called "tapered for a reason. At just one point(1 7/8") is it bigger than a 742(1 3/4"). A 742 is straight cut to the yoke, just slightly smaller dia. than a 489 and therefore stronger. Now if Chrysler in hindsight decided to make the 1 7/8" machined straight all way over to the yoke we would have something.
Anyone can believe what they want but facts ARE FACTS.

Been doing this mopar thing going on 50 years so I don't need to make it up... and I doubt under any circumstances that I could convince you but no problem. If you make it my way some time I'll start up the grille and we'll go my shop to sort it out while the Texas BBQ is smoking..

comparison shot..... web page

I remember in the 70s Chrysler started getting negative feedback from racers who were breaking the large stem pinions in half. They put out bulletins on that subject and recommended racers use the non-tapered 742 case. The story is in the mopar bible. I happened to have worked for local stock and super/stock racers Starkey and Christian and their expierience went back to 1959. Even though I knew of Chrysler's position, it was the first time I got it from racers but with more details...

but it's ok... do your own thing or go Dana.

Last edited by 52savoy; 07/25/12 07:19 AM.