


There was time(1960s-early '70's) when a lot of dragsters used 8 3/4's and cases were made out of different materials.. I would guess they were all 742 cases because the pinion isn't tapered, which is the weak link of a 489.

The weak link isn't the taper so much as it is the crush sleeve that can get loose with repeated hard usage. A solid shim replacement setup will cure that.

I'll stick by my comment unless someone can prove me wrong..
The spacer is one of two weak links on a 489,not counting ring gear diameter or deflection. 742's have(or used to) a much larger gear choice because of their strength(pin.stem diameter). Chrysler's "Performance Parts" pro gears were for a 742 case for a reason.

your turn..


The 489's pinion is thicker than the 742's in most of it's length and the same in the rest. Therefore, by your reasoning the 489 should be stronger.

You can believe whatever you want doesn't make it right.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.