I found out from another source, had a link to an article in a magazine from years ago...I posted because i had never seen one before....

These were once original standard 2 dr 318 V8 sport coupes sent to a customization shop for convereion into the final roduct the Californal Cruiser Dodge or Plymouth...

The stainless grille surrounds which said "Dodge" and "Plymouth" were removed the holes were filled and the areas were touch up painted...

Lake pipes were added below the rocker panels, special interiors swapped in the tops were converted into the Faux carson style tops with shrunken rear window area...

wide white walls and baby moons installed...

These were specially built promotional cars to be held to increase sales in Southern Califoria Dealers Show rooms..

Factory Plant workers likely never say or noticed these unless the visited a dealer showroom with one in it prior to them being eventually liquidated to the general public when dealers felt they were no longer useful in Boosting interest in F Body Sales