

Ice, please do!

I should have taken more pics.. but its on a Chevy Vega lol. Anyways I was frustrated with trying to make plastic 'shelves' for grills that I have that were broken.. a real PITA to shape, bond, etc. I'm into make model RC WWII aircraft bigtime, and familular with balsa wood. When finished properly, it harder the thermo/abs plastic, and the balsa has the added bonus of easly shaped to conform to whatever I need.

Thats what I did. Shaped fit a piece of balsa wood, then covered with resine ( that kind one uses with fiberglass mat). I then used a sponge brush to spread out the resine. Its almost self leveling, after it dries theres very minimal sanding to do, and one ends up with a very strong repair that after painted, looks 100% factory.

Pic below dosn't do it justice, but there it is in a nutshell so to speak.

So theres my little contribution to the MoPar community

Ice, thanks for posting. That's a great idea/solution. I have a third grill that I could probably restore using that technique. Balsa really is great to work with and it makes total sense to use it this way.

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