
I am looking at:
* Steering Pump
* A/C Compressor
* Alternator
* Starter
* Brake Booster & Master Cylinder
* Wiper motor

If I am forgetting anything, it would be in the same ball park as these...

If there is a reputible member on here that can do this, it would be awesome! Moparts members know their stuff more than a lot of mechanics out there!

here are some options and suggestions. For the steering pump, if it is quiet and not leaking, I'd clean it well and give it a coat of SG black. If you have problems later, its not hard to change with a parts store reman.

For the AC compressor, its pretty expensive to change after its charged. I'd get it rebuilt or better yet replace with a lighter Sanden compressor. Bouchillon or Classic Auto Air could help with either I believe.

For the alternator, clean and re-use is OK... just carry a spare on long trips! Parts store reman is the lowest cost replacement however quality seems to be variable. A Powermaster reman (Mancini) is more expensive but should be more reliable. Personally, I'd probably use a Powermaster for stock type replacement and keep the original for emergency.

For the starter, the later "mini's" from a Magnum work really well. They are lighter, use less power and spin the engine faster. Lots of folks have good luck with a JY starter. Parts store reman is another option or a new one either copy of the Nippendenso or a Nippendenso. Mancini and 440 Source carry the new Nippendenso or lower cost copies. Both are advertisers. If funds are tight, and the old one works, just clean it up. As long as you are running manifolds, its not too hard to change if needed. Different story with headers.

For the brake booster your local parts store can likley get a reman. A reman master should be available also except I prefer new for the master. I'd go ahead and change both.

For the wiper motor, Jules, a member of this board, does a really nice re-build. The 2 speeds are available from the parts store. If the one you have works OK, I'd consider cleaning it up and re-installing.