
Just giving my opinion here.

I have never met either Bird or Gup and dont have a car fast enough to ever race either one of them, so I dont have a dog in the fight as they say.

BUT....Gup better be ready at Indy if they race again there.

Reason I say that is because Bird was late on the arm drop or Gup jumped (No tree for the start so who knows), he spun off the line and was only running on 7 cyl.

At Indy I hope the track lets them use the tree, and my money is on the Bird (for the reasons I stated).

i'm gonna say this,if you guys think thats all gup's got,you'll be sorry his demon was (i dont wanna give the time) and he's 300lbs lighter...be careful whatcha ask for ...props again to bird..and for bein a true sportsman..AndyB