
300 max 1003 measured HC
3.00 max .16 measured CO
If this is right(I copied pasted)It almost looks like a lean miss. That IS what the smog guy thought it could be With no cats I would expect CO a little higher(maybe 1-2%)1000 HC is a misfire almost for sure. Absolutely sure there's no vac leak? I just bought a propane can to try. Tha carb cleaner runs out too fast! How about a cylinder power balance to make they're all firing? I know you said it runs smooth but 1000 HC is real high cats or no cats!! Just throwing ideas out.

A few more bits:
I asked about using methanol or rubbbing alcohol. He said that this trick only works in vehicles with catalytic converters, since it heats up the cats and they work harder. I can't legally weld in a pair of cats since the vehicle wasn't originally fitted with them.
Higher idle? He said that the upper limit is around 850. I'll try to get near there. I bought a set of plug wires, a cap and rotor and an intake valley pan. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some good news.
Thanks to all for the suggestions! Greg