
These work REALLY well at getting stripped screws out Getzit

Mothers Day gifts...??? You're the expert, but i cant see how that would help... haha

(linky no worky)

As for the drill, the only good one i have now is pretty big. The upper screw would be accessible, but not the lower. I do have a very nice electric die-grinder though, and i've ground heads off screws with that before. I was hoping there'd be an easier way. Gonna be sketchy though... that thing likes to skip around when its meeting head-on.

I also have crap for screwdrivers, though i use my best where i can. The screws are just oddly scaly with rust. The rest ov the int is pretty clean, but for some reason the chrome screw heads rusted, and pretty badly. The upper screw is completely stripped, and it took very little to do that. The lower one is still somewhat intact, but i cant access it with a good screwdriver... maybe if the windshield was out, but its not.

No access to worm any fluids behind either.

Like i've said many times before in other posts, with what i have to work with tools/space-wise, i really have no place tackling a project like this right now... but i'm desperate and need a car.