Yep. Typically you would start with whatever jet/rod combo is 'stock', and looking at the chart, you can see the effective areas of each. More area = more fuel = richer.

Then to go leaner on say economy, you find another rod with the same area for Power, but smaller for economy. Or vice-versa to richer. Or, if you can't go leaner with a new jet, you can go to a smaller jet and know which rod to use to lean the economy side and keep the power side the same or similar.

Just got back from a drive. Before hand I moved the accel pump to the 3rd hole (farthest from body), and it got much much better. Then I moved to (what I think) is the pink spring. The springs are old and the paint isn't really there anymore

Still under very light throttle it's running in the high 11s:1 for AFR and popping lightly. Get into it more and it goes to mid 12s. So, I think I'm still hitting the enrichment circuit at light throttle, so I think I need to go to the orange springs and test again.

I've fought and messed with this carb for 5 years. Now a week and half after getting the O2 sensor installed it's almost perfect. Should've done this years ago

If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.