
This site shows a pic and it takes a small/9" cap. Tried to copy/paste the pic but they have it right-click blocked as copyright, so I gotta respect that.


YES!!! So somebody else has seen these!

I thought many years ago that one could take a set ov these, and weld the centers to a newer 17x8" steel rim, perhaps like those found on a cop car? Maybe even a 17x8-10" aftermarket rim? That would fool all but the most discerning viewers. The 16" stock versions dont quite look 'right', but a taller rim would make the center look smaller, and more proportionate. The cap would be noticeably smaller in relative terms (compared to a 15"), but it'd still be better than anything else i've seen done, save those $4000 one-offs on that Roadrunner linked here a while back.

Also, semi-related... has anyone bought from this company? I see something i've been looking for there for a looooooong time...