If you're able to read this Kim, I'll say this:

I personally never met your brother(sad to say) as I'm sure alot of members here can relate to never having that "privilage". However, Gary was also part of a "family" here and even though we were not able to look "eyeball to eyeball"...just stroking the keys so to speak, you get a good idea where a person's heart is at and what stuff they are made of. Being a family so to speak here......we often hit areas where one doesn't agree with another, just like "real family"......but we also learn to agree to disagree most of the times--sometime we don't ever clear that hurdle. We also feel someone else's problems or triumphs, even though we are unable to actually see their face. I can't tell ya how many times on a rough day.....could "Unlawful"s humor kinda bring up my day. I dare say that at times.....folks here can share things with unfaced "friends"--far quicker or easlier than they could maybe approach someone they could actually "look" at. Gary was the type of person who didn't have to a face to look at......to apply his heart and offered his help whenever he could. We call them "pillars"...someone who supports and helps the newguy without running him down. Lends support to the masses, without ever meeting them face to face. Your brother was such a "pillar" and will be deeply missed.

I can't say enough.....I'll miss the old gent at the counter(Unlawful's Sig as of late). My prayers to you and your family, as I know your hearts are heavy. Loss is never easy, but is also never the end.


Dalton Dickens(KingMopar)