

The engine/trans, front suspension, driveshaft, rear axle, leaf springs and exhaust were all installed onto a cart and sent down the line. The bodies were up in the air on a conveyor and were dropped over the drivetrain assemblies.

The engine and trans were stamped after they were bolted together but probably before they were installed on the carts. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I still say the line worker didn't have the stamp setup right and got a few numbers wrong.


I see well that is interesting.

The issue with the mis stamped Vin is that the numbers are not even the same digits its 594 vs 170. The mis stamp you pointed out seems very likely where as this is not as much. That is why i am thinking the guy either forgot to change the stamp or maybe the motor and trans were intended for another 383 AG auto car.


What I find interesting is there is only 2 workers to put the unit together.