

If your going to paint the whole car just prep it and seal it before color and you will not have any problems. Use the sealer recomended for what ever top coat your going to use.

I disagree with this. I just did a 66 Nova, did not strip it, sealed it (which is something I dont generally do), then painted the car. It has been 2 months and my paint is cracking. I dug the problem areas out and its cracked below the paint I painted over. When you sand a paint job, you open it up. The solvents from the products you apply over it will seep into problem areas. It's like waking the dead. You can paint over an old finish but your rolling the dice.

Asking for trouble..... The stuff was never intended to be used a automotive paint...

"The Armies of our ancestors were lucky, in that they were not trailed by a second army of pencil pushers."