Hi Everyone,

I have a stock 72 400 with a leak at the rear main area. The retainer is stock and the seal is the original one as far as I know. I've checked the valve covers, intake and sending unit, it's definitely from the rear main area.

I've read through other threads about this and tried to learn as much as I can before posting this.

I will be trying to fix this with the engine in the car and would like to know any tips, tricks, etc. from those who have already gone through this.

I'm thinking of buying the Victor Reinz JV551 kit to get the original rope style seals and am thinking of getting the Dvorak seal kit for the retainer side seals. Member RoadHazard has chimed in on a number of the threads I found about this subject. Has everyone who bought his rear main seal kit been satisfied?

I'm concerned about the original rope seal in there now. What are some ways of dealing with the upper seal if it doesn’t come out in one piece? What have others used to pull, push or pick out the remaining pieces? Rotating the crankshaft while pulling the seal out seems to be a good idea?

To get the new seal in the upper channel, what have been some ways to do this? A sneaky pete (Chinese finger) to pull it through but before starting it, should the seal be in a certain position to help? Rotating the crankshaft, would that help pull the seal into place? Once the seal is in, what have others done to trim the ends of the upper seal to match up to the lower seal when installing the retainer?

To seal the retainer’s vertical sides, the style of the red side seals in the Dvorak kit look to be the best option as opposed to loading the area up with RTV. Does anyone have other suggestions?

To seal the retainer’s horizontal side, the JV551 kit is supposed to include sealer for this, and possibly the vertical side areas. Has this been the best option so far for others?

Thanks in advance,
