
By complete exhaust systems does this mean you'll have the tips also?
Forgive me if I'm going OT but what ever happened with ECS's talk of coming out with the desperately needed correct trunk mats?

Hi everyone

Grabbed the computer at the hotel in Indy . I'll try to address a couple of the comments together. By the way 40+ mph winds and commercial airliners don't go together. Though we were going to be on the highlight reel a couple of times.

On the tips - Yes- we'll have them available too. Remember this is a peek under the tent on what has been a long journey. We're engineering parts to get this right. We'll have pipes, clamps, mufflers, resonators, hangers,and tips available.

T/A and C body - not currently on the horizon but lets get this one under the belt before rolling to the next challenge.

Trunk mats - still inching along. We're pretty far along on the material just working with engineering specs. Any one remember the green coil transfers? Feel like the Maytag man on this one.

Thanks for the feed back.

From Indy