
I would redlight on the last yellow so I put a visor on my helmet and I put about 4-5 pieces of black electrical tape across the top of the visor. I could lower my head in the car and BLIND out the other yellow bulbs. As soon as the last yellow came on I was gone. It takes out the anticipation and makes it more like a pro tree. Worked for me.

+1.... I don't race as much as most of you guys, but I was having the same issue, did exactly as described above (black electrical tape across the visor on my helmet), and that very day, had my best day ever, winning (4) rounds and losing to a really tight package in the 5th. I'm sure it feels as though you're leaving on the yellow, but chances are good that you are actually anticipating the last yellow. Not only did this help my red-light issue, but I was suddenly real consistant. Not as quick as I wanted, but consistant; and that's a place you can start adjusting the car from.

Last edited by GEnsrud; 02/28/12 04:01 PM.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120