I found I had to adjust my leaving with my new 493 I put in last summer compared to my old 440. I come up on the converter between 2000 and 2500 and the instant I see yellow on the third bulb I go. At my local track I usually cut .010 to .050 all the time as long as I stage the same way which is shallow staging for me. I usually dont run a Pro tree so I dont have to worry about deep staging. Now when I went to another track last summer I kept redlighting so I had to adjust and I just try counting. When the first yellow comes on I count the yellows as they come on as in.......1 , 2 , 3 as the last yellow comes on and normally I am leaving at 3 but at this other track I put 4 in there and left on the 4 count in my head so I would not red lite. It seems to work ok for me. Course I like my local track best as it is easiest to leave on the last yellow coming on which is the 3 count for me. Ron